Wednesday 4 May 2011

Declan Ellis Advert Analysis 1, Gorilla Advert

The Story
The story of the ad is A glass and a half full productions at the very beginning, (the word full has milk pouring glasses), Dairy Milk purple background, Phil Collins – In the air tonight, beat is playing in the background, breathing deeply.
it then slowly zooms out and them begins to speed up the zoom out, it allows you to see the top of some drums then the gorilla slams down on the drums (showing the drumsticks) this is as the song kicks in with a beat.
 Whilst the gorilla continues to play the drums, it  shows that he is really getting into the beat.
As it continues to show a few more shots of the gorilla playing the beat and then zooms out towards the end and fades into a purple background with a Dairy Milk chocolate bar in the middle, (one of the bigger bars), and underneath is Dairy Milk writing says ‘A glass and a half full of joy.’
shots used
Dolly shot to an extreme close up on the gorilla’s eyes,  it then cuts to a close up of the gorilla, then back to an extreme close up of the gorilla’s nose (zooming slowly out to see the eyes and mouth).
Then cuts to a close up again, it then slowly zooms out and them begins to speed up the zoom out, A head and shoulder shot is then cut to, it then shows a medium shot of the gorilla on the drums.
Then zooms out towards the end and fades into a purple background with a Dairy Milk chocolate bar in the middle.

The Mise-en-scene
Drums to play the beat of the song, royal purple the original colour of dairy milk to show its a nice chocolate and make it seem posh.

Target Audience

The advertisement is focused at everyone since the advert is random and funny and it is not aimed for a specific person it is aimed at everyone

You can hear  Phil Collins – In the air and the noise of the gorilla breathing and him hitting the drums.

Advertising Technique
Exaggerate to the extreme this is used because it works, it is random and aimed at everyone, it also follows their other randomness of adverts.

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